Revving your bike waiting for the signal to turn green can be a stressful activity. Especially when you're running late to work. You might as well stop revving, 'cause time's not gonna fly by any faster even if you're at 9000RPM unless you fuckin engage the clutch.

Last Tuesday:
My boss hinted at things going well at work and probably confirmed employment. I hate to be on contract. I'm on a 6 month contract and only 3 things can happen at the end of it.
(i) You're on board(if you're exceptionally good)
(ii) You're fired(If they decide to slim the team or if you suck at your job)
(iii) The contract gets extended another 6months(if you choose to cruise and do just enough work to get by).
During this time period, you're not officially part of the company you work at and you don't get any of the benefits bestowed upon regular employees since you're on the contracting company's payroll. Its all got something to do with the headcount. They've allocated limited heads for the team in India. But at the rate things are going, its bound to look up.. I sure do hope so.
Anyway, Derailed is an awesomely bad movie. I'm deeply saddened when I think of the viewers who pay multiplex money to watch it. I'd be better off writing a review of the aesthetics of multiplex restrooms however, I'll say a thing or two about the movie to warn humankind. The trailers are misleading, don't believe them, for its nothing but a highly predictable wannabe thriller which severely insults your intelligence. Awesomely bad movies like this need generous amounts of nudity but sadly there was none inspite of the R rating. I like you Jen, I want good things for you. And I would like it if you didn't choose to act in such trash at this point of time in your career.
Movie Tagline: They Never Saw It Coming.
I did and I want my money back.
Thursday, lunchtime:
I saw the girl who closely resembles my 8th standard classmate in the office cafeteria again. Its only curiosity that makes me want to check if it really is her. But I can't walk up to her with "Did we go to school together at NPS?". That would definitely be a strong contender for lamest pickup line of 2006. Well.. she's not that great anyway, we didn't talk much back in school. So.. I'll walk by her a few times, talk loudly on my cellphone or make conversation with the caterers when she's around .. that way she'll know I'm street and cool.
The signal eventually turned green and I did get to rocket off the line faster than every car and bike around me.