What makes a Boyband?
Strip away the music. Lets analyze the vocals of two popular bands.
Metallica-One (click here and press play/download)

BackstreetBoys- Hetfield's Version (click here and press play/download)

Is it the lead vocalist's voice ?
Strip away the music. Lets analyze the vocals of two popular bands.
Metallica-One (click here and press play/download)

BackstreetBoys- Hetfield's Version (click here and press play/download)

Is it the lead vocalist's voice ?
I hate boybands...but somebody should be able to sell some albums so that a great load of employees get paid...and also hehehe to satisfy the downloaders and girls!
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I hate boybands too. They are shallow, starts to have ego probs. in 6 months and ultimately breaks up after giving few pop culture hits.
The only boy band I truly admire, apart from Beatles is the Scottish indie rock band, TRAVIS.
They stay low-profile, but they are undoubtedly the best British boyband after the Beatles.
Well, I did like boybands at one point of time... I thought they sounded good, and besides good to look at! lol...
But I think everyone liked some boyband or the other... Its a phase, don you think?
Anyway, sorry, Vincent abt not tagging, you...Now you are tagged... And you absolutely have to do it!
ummm I actually used to hate the backstreet boys.
But I loved Boyzone(God!)
But hey I was in 7th grade.
So sue me.
And Ive been to a Metallica concert.
They sound pretty lame live.
Anyhoo, I had more fun looking at the potheads and the wasted souls around me.
And no I didnt drink, I was sober(designated driver u see)
And I think Im rambling a bit too much here.
*makes hasty exit*
Nobody said anything about my voice? :(
GRRRRRRR.. *mouth-frothing rage*
Attention! Everyone!! hey!
The only reason this post is 3 sentences long is you could spend an additional 40 seconds listening to two small audio clips!
Thank you.
Sorry. My bad. The links didn't work. Apparently Multiply.com doesn't like it if I link directly to the file.
Its fixed now. Hehe. *sheepish grin*
Dude, I agree that Beatles were the single biggest thing in western rock music, I'm a fan.
But technically they were boybands, right?
And I hate metallic rock, being an afficianado of more sombre, less noisy rock subgenres.
The Beatles - I Wanna hold your hand.
I can't think of anything more boyband-like.
Check this and this
Here's some more from their 1964 US tour.
regarding ur last-to-last-to-last post, wht's ur stand on people who "don't know how to use linux, and cudnt care less about it, but do NOT bash MS and windows"??
[cuz according to tht i'll know how safe i am !]
First of all, thanks for reading my last-to-last-to-last post! :)
and Welcome to my blog Arnold! *in arnie's voice*
And to clarify, I'm only against the whiners who crib on and on about how sad windows is but can't use linux even if their life depended on it. Its a free world(And in India, all OSes are free), so use whatever OS you feel like! Its as simple as that.
And also those ms bashers and hardcore linux evangelists who get thrilled to bits when they get job interviews from MS .. really, where did all your Open Source loyalty go? If you can change your beliefs for a good pay package, you lack integrity and spine.
That said, I love linux. Linux is full of challenges. Nothing is really handed out to you. Something as simple as installing a driver for a USB modem will take you hours(yeah, I'm a linux n00b:). And like someone said, making something work under linux is like going out and killing something for dinner. Its the research, the thrill of the hunt, subduing the beast and enjoying the meal. Linux can do a hell a lot more than windows if you're willing to spend a little time and make some effort.
But when you spoon feed technology to these morons, they complain. Thats what I hate.
And thanks again, Arnold. Do keep visiting. :)
Uhm.. I wonder if you have mail alerts for your comments...
*cringes to think abt what if you do*
Well.. My speakers were down.. So i reinstalled them only a week back... So i thought of listening to these clips...
I just want to know.. Was the .. uhm... accent... on purpose?
Ahhhh... Finally. A person who did listen to the tracks. Thank you so much Anna!
If by accent you mean the aggressive growls and menacing gruff angry sounds.. of course, it was put on. Those are the basic qualities of nearly all rock band vocalists, right?
Yes, my speaking voice is different. Trust me, I don't sound so evil when I talk. If you find that hard to believe, at the risk of being stoned, I'll put up a Richard Marx song someday.
okay, so.. do you like it/ hate it.. what do you think of my Hetfield imitation? :)
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