I've got a confession to make...
I've been in jail.
You heard me. Yes.. Incarcerated, behind bars, locked up..

I answer 'Yes' to the "Have you ever been convicted of a Criminal Offense? " question in a job application.
I didn't kill anybody, but I almost broke a man's skull in what should've been a harmless road rage incident. Somehow it didn't occur to me to just punch him in the face with my bare fist.
It was a bright and sunny Tuesday morning. Traffic was like mud. Vehicles oozed their way through one of the worst jams ever.
It was one of those minor accidents which happen as a result of incorrect driving practices by both parties. Immediately after the accident occurred, he stopped his car right in the middle of the road to inspect the damage. He remained totally unaffected by the numerous horns blaring away. The vehicles in front of him were not moving as yet, but they'd eventually move and his car would be in the way. The myriad honking sounds continued as he approached me.
Your mind begins to assess the possible outcomes instantly in the event of a confrontation. If there is a percieved threat, the body undergoes several changes to help you deal with it. There's increased breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. This enables oxygen rich blood flow to the limbs which in turn equips you to fight or to flee, depending on the situation at hand. And in my case, choosing to fight didn't require too much thought considering he was shorter than me, probably in his late 20s and looked like he was new to the city.
He wanted to know what I was trying to do back there without a hand signal or an indicator. I told him that the use of an indicator was unnecessary when everyone except him were travelling at 20km/h and his sudden urges to sprint forward every time the vehicle in front moved an inch, caused the accident. He responded with a loud explanation of how wrong I'd been and how doing so might have killed me. All this while, he kept pointing fingers at my face as he reconstructed the events for the motorists who were just tuning in. I wouldn't point fingers at my face if I were him.
Funny, the others on the road didn't have much to say, the honking seemed to die down too as some of them listened attentively to the details and began to take sides. They probably knew that they were not getting anywhere, might as well get to see a fight. Sure enough, they did.
It got louder. There was cursing. I only wish he didn't use that word.

I took a swing at his face with my helmet. I know its not going to work in my favor if I tell you that I thought he was gonna block it. A powerful blow to the head with a blunt object could be fatal in some cases. Epidural hematoma is the result of internal bleeding where blood collects in the area between the outer membrane of your brain and the insides of the skull. This in turn causes the brain to slowly compress and make room for the blood spill. Luckily, this couldn't have happened since the thick viscous fluid seemed to flow down the sides of his left cheek, through a major laceration above his eyebrow.
He fell face down on the road without much of a scream. The audience that watched the events unfold, comprised of two kinds of people: the 'I don't give a fuck if there's a dead man on the road-I can't be late to work' kind and the ones that agreed with the treatment meted out. There may have been a third kind, but you don't want to mess with a stranger after he just bludgeoned a guy who spoke too much and is still holding his weapon of choice.
For the sake of brevity, lets just say the assailant got the victim admitted into a hospital and covered for all of his medical expenses.
You don't get away with attempt to murder so easily but being related to the newly appointed Chief Minister does help. There is a pending criminal charge against me and it will remain in that state for a few years to come. It'll soon be long forgotten.
For now, it would really help if you stopped looking at me like that.
PS: This is my attempt at fiction. And for the record, with respect to confrontation, I can't send back soup.
I've been in jail.
You heard me. Yes.. Incarcerated, behind bars, locked up..

I answer 'Yes' to the "Have you ever been convicted of a Criminal Offense? " question in a job application.
I didn't kill anybody, but I almost broke a man's skull in what should've been a harmless road rage incident. Somehow it didn't occur to me to just punch him in the face with my bare fist.
It was a bright and sunny Tuesday morning. Traffic was like mud. Vehicles oozed their way through one of the worst jams ever.
It was one of those minor accidents which happen as a result of incorrect driving practices by both parties. Immediately after the accident occurred, he stopped his car right in the middle of the road to inspect the damage. He remained totally unaffected by the numerous horns blaring away. The vehicles in front of him were not moving as yet, but they'd eventually move and his car would be in the way. The myriad honking sounds continued as he approached me.
Your mind begins to assess the possible outcomes instantly in the event of a confrontation. If there is a percieved threat, the body undergoes several changes to help you deal with it. There's increased breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. This enables oxygen rich blood flow to the limbs which in turn equips you to fight or to flee, depending on the situation at hand. And in my case, choosing to fight didn't require too much thought considering he was shorter than me, probably in his late 20s and looked like he was new to the city.
He wanted to know what I was trying to do back there without a hand signal or an indicator. I told him that the use of an indicator was unnecessary when everyone except him were travelling at 20km/h and his sudden urges to sprint forward every time the vehicle in front moved an inch, caused the accident. He responded with a loud explanation of how wrong I'd been and how doing so might have killed me. All this while, he kept pointing fingers at my face as he reconstructed the events for the motorists who were just tuning in. I wouldn't point fingers at my face if I were him.
Funny, the others on the road didn't have much to say, the honking seemed to die down too as some of them listened attentively to the details and began to take sides. They probably knew that they were not getting anywhere, might as well get to see a fight. Sure enough, they did.
It got louder. There was cursing. I only wish he didn't use that word.

I took a swing at his face with my helmet. I know its not going to work in my favor if I tell you that I thought he was gonna block it. A powerful blow to the head with a blunt object could be fatal in some cases. Epidural hematoma is the result of internal bleeding where blood collects in the area between the outer membrane of your brain and the insides of the skull. This in turn causes the brain to slowly compress and make room for the blood spill. Luckily, this couldn't have happened since the thick viscous fluid seemed to flow down the sides of his left cheek, through a major laceration above his eyebrow.
He fell face down on the road without much of a scream. The audience that watched the events unfold, comprised of two kinds of people: the 'I don't give a fuck if there's a dead man on the road-I can't be late to work' kind and the ones that agreed with the treatment meted out. There may have been a third kind, but you don't want to mess with a stranger after he just bludgeoned a guy who spoke too much and is still holding his weapon of choice.
For the sake of brevity, lets just say the assailant got the victim admitted into a hospital and covered for all of his medical expenses.
You don't get away with attempt to murder so easily but being related to the newly appointed Chief Minister does help. There is a pending criminal charge against me and it will remain in that state for a few years to come. It'll soon be long forgotten.
For now, it would really help if you stopped looking at me like that.
PS: This is my attempt at fiction. And for the record, with respect to confrontation, I can't send back soup.
You had me til the end,lol
I once called an old lady a cunt rather than punch her lights out when she stepped in front of me during a confrontation I was trying to walk away from.
My confession is real though*shudder*
I seriously thought u were the one - til i read the last line!!!
Good one!!!
Damn! you got me till the ending.....:)
man this is cool...so original and cool.
i almost believed you... but i knew someone sensible wouldn't post something so personal on their blog for the whole world to see...
ok... i admit... i did believe you...:-)
damn good post..
keep writing !!! :-)
Brilliant man. I thought you were describing a real incident. Keep it up. First time on this blog. Way cool.
Haha! This was superb! All this while, I kept on thinking that it was a real incident. ;) Great attempt at fiction! :P
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i love your blog title...
:-) but you should put your age on your profile... just to give a rough idea to blog-hoppers like me... :-):-)
gotto rush...
The punch would've been a lot more effective! and Welcome here! :)
Thanks rahmaniac :) If you ever need anything(CDs/DVDs/Hardware/Dope/Hitmen..etc.) around here, do let me know.
Welcome back! :)
Thanks. Do keep visiting :)
Its not a real incident. I totally made it up and Welcome to my Blog!
Freaky Chakra,
Welcome to my Blog!
Haha, don't be sorry.. You can curse without restrictions here.
What last line? The entire post is fictitious.
Good to know you enjoyed Sharapova's pics. Did you get to watch the video too? ;)
Q: Do I think Sania Mirza's hot?
A: damn right I do!!
and hey, thanks again for visiting.
The Girl Who Sold The World,
Glad you liked it and Welcome here!
Thanks! Welcome to my Blog.
For the last time, This post is a work of fiction. I am not an ex-con! :D
I'm 24 and I work in a small software company in Bangalore.
PS: Why'd you delete that comment? Well.. I saw it :) *tough guy blush*
jus thot it was tooo.. uhm... tooo...
waiting eagerly for your next post...
*blushes again...
Ahhh Vincent how cute! You actually "blush"...:)
Yeah, I can be cute too.
I'm flattered.. *flutters eyelashes*
Damn, I need to stop doing that.
I need some gratuitous violence to make up for all that now!
Sniper, Headshot, Bullet Wound, Machete, Baseball Bat, Dental Records, Chainsaw, Blood Splatter Pattern, Luminol..
There, thats more like my blog.
Sniper, Headshot, Bullet Wound, Machete, Baseball Bat, Dental Records, Chainsaw, Blood Splatter Pattern, Luminol..
There, thats more like my blog.
lol... :-):-)
so how long did you take to write this?
by this, i meant the post...
have a new post, btw..
OMG you fit all my "perfect lover" points and you can be cute!
*its a miracle*
You mean the confession post? I wrote it in about 3 hours(+ 1hr of editing, choosing pics, aligning, etc) Yeah, I'm very slow.
* after long hard look at megha's profile pic.. the fact that she's a feminist riot grrl doesn't seem to irk anymore*
Well thank you!!!!!
being a "feminist riot girl" is part of my ummmm for want of a better word "explosive" personality(god that sounded corny)!
So I think Ive finaly resigned myself to watching steven seagal flicks(*UGH*)
To think that you'd sit through a Steven Seagal flick just for me.. wow! ... I'm speechless. Thats like the most selfless deed ever. That must rank very highly among the nicest things anybody ever said to me in 2006.
*blushes* (or turns faintly pink cos I never blush....turning faintly pink is as far as I can get).....unless of course your being sarcastic:-)
Is there a pinkish hue? :D
Ummm yea...in my case there is *turns pink again*....;)...(faintly I mean)
Mr. Vega...
could you put up another post?
its terrible waiting like this for the next peice of fiction...:-)
Hi Anna,
All I did this week was think of what my next post would be. And today I realized something. I've run out of ideas.
But I will update before Sunday night, worst case scenario, with a self tag of '10 things I hate'.
And thanks so much for asking. :)
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