Sunday, March 05, 2006

'10 things I hate' as of right now.

1. The Black Eyed Peas.
2. Self-righteous fucktards.
3. Taps that drip(Call me obsessive compulsive, but I just have to close every one of them tightly, just can't stand water being wasted.)
4. a. Cars with body odor.
b. Men/Women with body odor.
5. Black Eyed Peas(I can't hate them enough. They're nearly as disgusting as watching a squeamish blonde on Fear Factor eating mouthfuls from a bowl filled with worms, eels and cockroaches. Peas, do the world a favor and disband immediately.)
6. Traffic Jams.
7.People who don't have the balls to use Linux but cannot stop complaining on and on about how sucky Windows is.( If you're one of them - First, learn to install Linux and then, you're allowed your share of ms-bashing and whining. Till then, shut the fuck up and be thankful that you have something that makes you use words like email and internet on a daily basis.)
8. Pens that don't work! (Where's that pen when you need one!!??)
9. Precocious kids.
10. Cruelty to Animals (Yes, I'm a non-vegetarian and I'm selective about what animals you absolutely cannot be cruel to. Dogs, Cats and Horses are some of my favorites. I'll definitely murder anybody that dares to inflict any kind of harm to the above mentioned animals or atleast ask them nicely to stop whatever they're doing. Really, what kind of a sick mind would derive pleasure from being mean to animals? I can understand if men want to shoot each other, some of them can be real morons but what did the poor animal do. )


Blogger twip said...

hah you actually tagged yourself.......nice to know:)

March 06, 2006 12:17 AM  
Blogger twip said...

And I loveeeee the cruelty to animals point....its kinda strange, but Im not vegetarian either, but I cannot stand cruelty to animals, like dogs, cats, horses, wild animals and some reptiles as well....
another thing in common.....:|....

March 06, 2006 12:55 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

Yeah, I tagged myself. And how sad is that? Very.

About the cruelty to animals thing, Why do people assume that being non-vegetarian automatically means you're not sympathetic towards animals and you're pro hunting/fur/tusks/game etc?

Anyway I was working on something that turned out too violent(Yes, I make up for my mediocre writing skills with violence) and not in tune with current events in the Blogosphere (Ahh.. the first time I used that word in a sentence. I think I'll say it a few more times before I get tired of it.) I'll use the time to make that post a bit longer and typo free. :)

March 07, 2006 4:30 AM  
Blogger twip said...

well a TAG works if you cant think of anything else to I dont think its VERY sad, a little maybe.....not "very"....:P(dont kick me:D)

March 07, 2006 9:10 PM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

I am with ya,especially on cruelty to animals.
There's an island in my province that is gorgeous,it's my true home,the place where I feel my finest but I will never move there because of the high incidence of animal abuse and torture.
I'd either slit my wrists or go nuts and start shooting people,heh.

Great post!:)

March 08, 2006 3:07 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

There's an island with high incidence of animal abuse and torture? Is there a way you can report this to the authorities or the animal activists?
Either way, I strongly reccommend going nuts and shooting people :)

March 08, 2006 3:30 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

Freaky Chakra,
Thanks :)
I think Christina Aguilera would win hands down in the 'sluttiness in a video' category.
The first pic? I got it from someone's flickr photostream. Hope he doesn't find out that I used his kid's pic on a post filled with profanity.

cute and fiery?? hahaha.. I'll agree to the fiery part. ;)
Megs, would you like to respond to the guy who just labeled you "cute" ?

March 08, 2006 3:31 AM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

I wish;)
They know about it,and 'try" to do what they can,but sadly the orginization that handles cruelty cases gets less than 100,000 a year to take care of the entire province! And the laws are so lame that when they do catch people,nothing really happens to them. Fuckers.
What people are doing now is stealing animals they think are being abused. Cool huh? We have a whole underground rescue society!
I have my eye on a pit bull up the street...hehehehee,except she's not being abused..rats!

March 08, 2006 8:40 AM  
Blogger gP said...

No 7 is cool...i have to agree with you, if they ever learn to install linux, then theyre halfway to nirvana...

All those bill gates bashers are just jealous of the dude, unaware that they owe their lives to ms for coming this far...

And yeh, i hate black eyed peas also, the woman especially! and also taps that drip, fans that makes noise and doors that thump in the night...

March 08, 2006 7:07 PM  
Blogger twip said...

hahahaha I think youll like to be reffered to as "cute" Vince...:D
But "cute and fiery" eh? I like the sound of that.......I can live with it:D

March 08, 2006 11:05 PM  
Blogger Vincent said...

Animal Rescue involved in animal trafficking ? Thats appalling!

Ghost Particle,
I couldn't agree with you more!
lol @ fans that make noise and doors that thump in the night.. I'll let you in one more thing. Sometimes I have to double and triple check locks, come back 10 seconds later and check em again one last time.

March 09, 2006 8:34 PM  
Blogger Vincent said...

Ssshhh... not here ;)

Freaky Chakra,
Years back, I had a tiny.. ok, a moderately small crush on the 'Genie in a bottle' Christina too :)

March 09, 2006 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


March 11, 2006 1:38 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...


*Salutes back*
Thank You sir! :)

with all due respect, your "pens go limp"? lol!.. thought I'd say somethin bout that but decided against it. ;)

and to answer your question,
Its basically a contraction of "fucking retard".


March 12, 2006 12:20 AM  

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