PlayStation 2 print ads for India(June 2007)

How inconsiderate of the miniscule female gaming population in India.
A part of your target demographic may be amused but given a choice between an hour of PS2 or spooning, most guys pick the latter, almost everytime. You lose, Sony. There are hardcore PS2 gamers with sexy intelligent girlfriends.
PlayStation 2
-Because your girlfriend bores you shitless
is like saying
Old Monk Rum
-Because your wife left you for another woman
It's not too late. You can fix this. Release another set of ads where a guy bores the girl, shitless, with talk of cricket, bikes etc..
Come on Sony, play nice, now!

How inconsiderate of the miniscule female gaming population in India.
A part of your target demographic may be amused but given a choice between an hour of PS2 or spooning, most guys pick the latter, almost everytime. You lose, Sony. There are hardcore PS2 gamers with sexy intelligent girlfriends.
PlayStation 2
-Because your girlfriend bores you shitless
is like saying
Old Monk Rum
-Because your wife left you for another woman
It's not too late. You can fix this. Release another set of ads where a guy bores the girl, shitless, with talk of cricket, bikes etc..
Come on Sony, play nice, now!
I think its funny... Well, I am not the target I suppose, considering the fact that I dont understand what is great about a Play Station! Beats me!
It's only the largest selling gaming console in the universe with an amazing library of titles.
The PS2 kicks ass. I own the silver colored PS2 slim and its wonderful. I also own a PS3 which I didn't pay for (gift), so I *heart* it even more.
(If you didn't realize already, I'm a rabid Playstation console fangirl)
Which is why these print ads I will desist from saying anything further. I don't want to fill your comments space with expletives.
Someone gifted you a PS3? Wow. I need new relatives/friends.
These ads were clearly made for the US but Sony lacked the cojones to print them there.
I'm sure they're not going to get into any trouble here for telling Indian kids to play games instead of girls.
Old Monk rum is not even worth it when you wife leaves you for another woman! I am still figuring out how people drink that!
quarter Old Monk+mineral water or coke+pack of cigarettes+Lays < Rs.100
That's how.
Was here when u made a post on Ajith march 2006 :) Hows u?
Hello Ponnarasi. I'm good, thanks. :)
Well, the bad hangover notwithstanding... Hmmmm...
guess the gals dint pay attention to the ads, else it would be the Mahila Samrakshan Samithi taking to the roads against psp.
lol appu :)
Welcome here man.
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