There are things that make me want to cry foul... like No Smoking signs or some of the movies on this list.

Babel(Nominated for Best Picture, Best Editing, Music Score, Writing[Original Screenplay])
Pretentious horseshit that doesn't deserve any of the praise its getting. Every frame is heavily loaded with the kind of predictable gimmicks a lame horror movie would have - just that here we have weepy emotional situations jumping at us, "don't open that door..Noo!" cut to close up of mumbling mentally retarded siamese twins in a wheelchair.
This non linear, interlinking of plots, timeline all jumbled up style of filmmaking worked like a charm in Amorres Perros and 21 grams for this director-writer combo. But repeating the same technique again is just pushing it too far man. Thats just signs of the creative well drying up. Oh just banish them from Hollywood before they come up with another travesty.
Moving on, the lesser said about the music the better. Stringed instrument going "twaaangggg!... twaaaanggg!" amidst all the depression is highly annoying!
Best Editing?? You've got to be kidding !
Original?Screenplay.Bullshit. Unbelievably disgusting poseur flick for emo kids/adults.
The Departed(Directing, Editing, Best Picture, Writing[Adapted Screenplay])
All due respect to Martin Scorcese and all but IMHO, remakes should not be considered for best picture. It's unfair to the other candidates on many levels. You see, when you prepare to remake a critically acclaimed foreign language movie, you're already armed with the opinions of the most competent test screening audience ever. Now the remaking process is like writing an open book exam for which you got the question paper a year back. You know exactly what the viewers want, what they didn't like, what to sex up and the parts that need to be snipped.

Little Miss Sunshine(Best Picture, Actor in a Supporting Role - Alan Arkin(the grandpa))
Here's what. Just because you have a dysfunctional family(wow thats original), with Steve Carell supposedly playing a gay suicidal #1 Proust scholar and a teenager into Nietzsche it does not become an intelligent dark comedy. Whats laughable is that this turkey gets a Best Picture nod.
Its an average family movie, funny in parts. Everything is way too contrived. The movie parades around like a technically brilliant indie drama but when you attempt shoot down its plotholes and flaws, it hides in the comedy bunker. As if we forefeit the right to question logic since its masquerading as a comedy.
And the grandpa qualifies for a statuette for playing a profane kinky old man?? Please!! Greg Kinnear/Toni Collette should've been nominated, if any.
Fair reader, do you want to make the next indie movie thats going to sweep the 2008 academy awards? Here's what you need: A-list actors, poverty, controversial storyline(war, sexual orientation, religion, race), handicaps and some gratuitous sex thrown in for good measure.(gotta pander to old balding film critics, no? )
Anyway, I'd like to think I'm past the stage where I'm appalled at all the undeserving Oscar nominees while many talented filmmakers get snubbed.
Oh fuck you academy, foreign press and esteemed members of the jury.

Children of Men should've been nominated for Best Picture!!!!
Its easily one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm serious. Okay.Stop snickering now..One day I'll staple office supplies to your faces.
PS: Even something like Crank(which really was pretty decent) is superior to Babel in all aspects and is by far a worthier contender for best picture.

Babel(Nominated for Best Picture, Best Editing, Music Score, Writing[Original Screenplay])
Pretentious horseshit that doesn't deserve any of the praise its getting. Every frame is heavily loaded with the kind of predictable gimmicks a lame horror movie would have - just that here we have weepy emotional situations jumping at us, "don't open that door..Noo!" cut to close up of mumbling mentally retarded siamese twins in a wheelchair.
This non linear, interlinking of plots, timeline all jumbled up style of filmmaking worked like a charm in Amorres Perros and 21 grams for this director-writer combo. But repeating the same technique again is just pushing it too far man. Thats just signs of the creative well drying up. Oh just banish them from Hollywood before they come up with another travesty.
Moving on, the lesser said about the music the better. Stringed instrument going "twaaangggg!... twaaaanggg!" amidst all the depression is highly annoying!
Best Editing?? You've got to be kidding !
Original?Screenplay.Bullshit. Unbelievably disgusting poseur flick for emo kids/adults.
The Departed(Directing, Editing, Best Picture, Writing[Adapted Screenplay])
All due respect to Martin Scorcese and all but IMHO, remakes should not be considered for best picture. It's unfair to the other candidates on many levels. You see, when you prepare to remake a critically acclaimed foreign language movie, you're already armed with the opinions of the most competent test screening audience ever. Now the remaking process is like writing an open book exam for which you got the question paper a year back. You know exactly what the viewers want, what they didn't like, what to sex up and the parts that need to be snipped.

Little Miss Sunshine(Best Picture, Actor in a Supporting Role - Alan Arkin(the grandpa))
Here's what. Just because you have a dysfunctional family(wow thats original), with Steve Carell supposedly playing a gay suicidal #1 Proust scholar and a teenager into Nietzsche it does not become an intelligent dark comedy. Whats laughable is that this turkey gets a Best Picture nod.
Its an average family movie, funny in parts. Everything is way too contrived. The movie parades around like a technically brilliant indie drama but when you attempt shoot down its plotholes and flaws, it hides in the comedy bunker. As if we forefeit the right to question logic since its masquerading as a comedy.
And the grandpa qualifies for a statuette for playing a profane kinky old man?? Please!! Greg Kinnear/Toni Collette should've been nominated, if any.
Fair reader, do you want to make the next indie movie thats going to sweep the 2008 academy awards? Here's what you need: A-list actors, poverty, controversial storyline(war, sexual orientation, religion, race), handicaps and some gratuitous sex thrown in for good measure.(gotta pander to old balding film critics, no? )
Anyway, I'd like to think I'm past the stage where I'm appalled at all the undeserving Oscar nominees while many talented filmmakers get snubbed.
Oh fuck you academy, foreign press and esteemed members of the jury.

Children of Men should've been nominated for Best Picture!!!!
Its easily one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm serious. Okay.Stop snickering now..One day I'll staple office supplies to your faces.
PS: Even something like Crank(which really was pretty decent) is superior to Babel in all aspects and is by far a worthier contender for best picture.