Circus Clown.
What time of day is it?
I'm not claiming any special expertise in estimating distances but right now you are very far away from me. I beat my fist on the desk. Small ants had crawled out from nowhere in an orderly fashion to feed on a Snickers wrapper. There must've been thousands of them, I counted when they ran for their lives.
I know words aren't coming out right. Expecting my wind pipe to function normally at this time is simply asking too much. And this is the third time I dropped my phone and a minute back I came dangerously close to spilling water on my keyboard.
Please make me laugh. I feel like a piano that fell from the sixth floor. I had a little plan to destroy the world but I forgot it rightaway. I'm tired of the silent corner. I walk to the coffee machine.. my legs are so resigned I'll fall if I don't stop thinking about you.

Sure, you're replaceable. There's enough fish for all of us. Right. I look at every girl the way a cat looks at a fishbowl. Sometimes I think of every relationship that could've been if I only had some clever lines to say. No, I don't feel lonely and wish I had someone to love.
Pitt's perfect girl does not a lover make. Not Natalie Portman either. Not now.
Oh I rue this day.
I stepped out of Suraj's shoes.
"You're right. It sucks to be you. Just hang in there man. You'll be alright in a few days. I'm asking you again, do you want to catch a movie with us after work?"
What time of day is it?
I'm not claiming any special expertise in estimating distances but right now you are very far away from me. I beat my fist on the desk. Small ants had crawled out from nowhere in an orderly fashion to feed on a Snickers wrapper. There must've been thousands of them, I counted when they ran for their lives.
I know words aren't coming out right. Expecting my wind pipe to function normally at this time is simply asking too much. And this is the third time I dropped my phone and a minute back I came dangerously close to spilling water on my keyboard.
Please make me laugh. I feel like a piano that fell from the sixth floor. I had a little plan to destroy the world but I forgot it rightaway. I'm tired of the silent corner. I walk to the coffee machine.. my legs are so resigned I'll fall if I don't stop thinking about you.

Sure, you're replaceable. There's enough fish for all of us. Right. I look at every girl the way a cat looks at a fishbowl. Sometimes I think of every relationship that could've been if I only had some clever lines to say. No, I don't feel lonely and wish I had someone to love.
Pitt's perfect girl does not a lover make. Not Natalie Portman either. Not now.
Oh I rue this day.
I stepped out of Suraj's shoes.
"You're right. It sucks to be you. Just hang in there man. You'll be alright in a few days. I'm asking you again, do you want to catch a movie with us after work?"
This is your best writing by far.
And *hug* I havent been here in a long time, forgive me.
thank you :)
heh. I am. Suraj isn't.
good post:)..."And this is the third time I dropped my phone and a minute back I came dangerously close to spilling water on my keyboard" i can totally relate to tht!...have spilt tea on the key board,and drop my phone uncountable number of times almost eday..
feel like a piano that has been droppped from the sixth floor?!wonder wht tht means except tht its nto a nice feeling!!!
Hey want to catch a movie with us after work? ;)
"Sometimes I think of every relationship that could've been if I only had some clever lines to say." -- Well if u dunno any of the clever lines, a fat pay check works :-)..
nice post... i hope suraj gets better soon! n u can remain the dumbass that u r.. romba feel panna aaramichitten konja neram... kadasila paathaa... hmmm... i do hope thats suraj u wer talkin abt n not urself..
why am i,
Thank You. Do keep visiting : )
I'd love to. Can I bring Suraj along? He's the one who needs to get out more.
His paycheck is another sobstory. Life's being very cruel to him.
Thanks, I'll let him know and nice guess, but I'm not Suraj. I was for 2 hours, while I typed this post.
i saw the fishbowl. it brought only one thing to mind, n expeted u to make some ref to it also but u didnt( "we're jus two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year...")
oh poor suraj btw... south park is better than movie!
Maybe I should include more Pink Floyd references in my post.. Come to think of it, every single track has material for a number of posts. And ketaki, I should've listened to you. You were right. MI3 sucked Osama's nether regions.
so.. when you are you coming to Bangalore again?
ok. but make sure suraj wears your shoes if you wear suraj's shoes.
oh and which movie? honey, i stole his shoes?
I really do feel like a piano was dropped on me.
Damn! it sucks to be me,too!
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