Friday, June 02, 2006

1.45 pm, Undisclosed office complex.

The meeting rooms have glass panels on the door for you to tell if its occupied or not. Sometimes you can see more than just people seated. The accoustics of these rooms aren't great either so you can hear muffled voices too. And as you walk by the peep hole you see lively arguments, sudden vociferous outbursts of a guy who likes to disagree a lot with the speaker who by the way isn't doing a very good job of the presentation. I just want to barge in, take charge of the guy's laptop, point to the colorful graph projected on the screen and come up with a solution. And then everyone in the room would applaud.

I'm on my way to the cafeteria. Strange things are thought of when you're hungry and you had to take your break an hour late. I hate the way the elevator smells of lunch. Maybe we should send everyone a memo reminding them that its not okay to burp in the elevator. Its the mirrors in the elevator that make you feel comfortable, right? You adjust your shirt, comb your hair, and if you're the only one in there, you don't think twice about letting out a loud burp too. Your floor arrives. Doors slide open giving you just enough time to exit but the end products of your metabolic activity linger. And when you pass me on your way out, I may even greet you with a smile unaware that I'm going to be subjected to a very unpleasant elevator ride.

2.30pm, Happy place.

The after-lunch smoke. Pure bliss. Rivalled only by the.. Burp! Excuse me..
I think I'll take the stairs. Its good to walk after a meal.


Blogger Vincent said...

wow. Thanks! : )

June 03, 2006 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The after-lunch smoke. Pure bliss"

Wow.. well said.. Nothin cud be better :-)

June 05, 2006 2:28 PM  
Blogger Vincent said...

Welcome back.. If its not too much to ask, a name or an initial would be nice.. : )

June 06, 2006 2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about tis???
-- Rebel

June 06, 2006 2:28 PM  
Blogger Vincent said...

verry good! :D

June 06, 2006 4:29 PM  
Blogger AWY said...

after five mins of drooling, i have recovered enough to say thank you!
The pics helped a lot. at least enough to stop my restlessness and snuggle into bed with nice, impossible dreams...

June 14, 2006 11:32 PM  

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